Hi, I make stuff

I'm Cain. 21. Enby. Asian.
Pronouns are they/she/he.
I draw sometimes and it's mainly about what i'm currently fixating on.


I have ~7 years of drawing experience, ~5 years of fansub and amateur translation experience.
when i'm not sleeping or in class, i'm mainly on the web looking at funny things or finding funny things to look at.
current special interest: Bo Burnhampast special interests:
Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Tom Scott, Nigel Ng
DBH, Sherlock (BBC series), Doctor Who, MCU,
Panic At The Disco, IDK How, Kpop (Dreamcatcher)
(striked out items means they will most likely not be resurfacing/posted about and i would prefer you do not interact if you still like these now)